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Showing 20 results out of 10000

Asia – Filling the Energy Gap with Nuclear Power

As the so-called tiger economies of Asia grow, so too does the demand for power. And with oil and gas prices rising, Asia seems to have little choice but to look towards nuclear power to fuel its new economies. Mitch Beedie reports.

Dancing With the Sun

Alternatives such as single-axis solar power are finally hitting the big time. As companies like Wal-Mart in the US look to win consumers over further by using green energy, David Holloway investigates the rise – finally – of the technology that has been with us for decades.

The Latest Power Diet

What do you get when you mix heat and power? A lower carbon marketplace, according to Dr Gareth M Evans. He takes a look at how cogeneration is starting to really make headway in most major cities around the world.

Ethanol – the Organic Argument

Ethanol may seem like an ideal replacement for traditional fuels, but what effect might it have on farming and prices? Mitch Beedie takes a look at the arguments weighing up for and against the use this apparently 'environmentally friendly' fuel.

Rise of the BRIC Nations

As the economies of the BRIC nations boom, the insatiable need for power grows. When will the rest of the world have to make sacrifices to accommodate this?

Slow Burn Toward Nuclear Power

Australia and New Zealand often appear on the world stage as two brothers, but like many siblings they've grown apart. Today, Australia may be moving away from New Zealand's isolationist geopolitical stance, turning towards nuclear power as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Fleur Doidge investigates.

A Smart Way to Balance Supply and Demand

The power industry is struggling to meet demand without resorting to expensive and environmentally unfriendly resources. Mitch Beedie discovers how one green technology innovator is proposing a solution to the problem.

Keeping Cool When the Heat is On

2006 saw a power outage in California, another in London – just how can power systems cope in summer weather? Jodie McLeod asks what it takes to ensure power stations all over the globe, and the communities they serve, keep cool when the going gets warm.

Powering the Rise of the East

The East is catching up with the Western world in terms of its energy consumption and investment in new technologies. Dylan Bushell-Embling reports on how China and India's growth is giving a new boost to renewable energies as the nations struggle to meet rising demand in the midst of climate change.

Recruiting for a Renewable Future

The fast-growing alternative energy market has opened the door for new growth in the renewables sector. But does the industry have the manpower required to take advantage of this? Jeff Durham examines the issue of recruitment.