
Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas, US)
today launched a webcast entitled ‘The Optimization Standard’, which features Peter Kirk, president and CEO of NeuCo. The webcast is part of’s weekly
‘Industry Today’ program, a respected program where companies operating in the industrial market come together to discuss innovation, new technology and products
and services that keep industry growing. Each show is hosted by Industrial Info Resources and shared to a wide variety of people with one common interest – the
industrial market.

During this week’s webcast, Peter Kirk discusses NeuCo’s boiler, unit performance and equipment health optimization software, how it is used by customers, the benefits they
receive, and the future direction of the technology within the power generation industry. Peter Kirk and the host of Industry Today also discuss the tools and solutions available to immediately optimize the performance of power generation processes and equipment.

To listen to the webcast visit NeuCo’s website and follow the link from the homepage.