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International Water Power & Dam Construction


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The Magazine for the Dam Construction and Hydroelectricity Industry


Launched in 1949, International Water Power & Dam Construction (IWP&DC) has established itself as the leading monthly international publication serving the needs of those involved in the dam construction and hydroelectricity industry.

The journal provides in-depth independent coverage of all aspects of the industry, including transmission and distribution technology. Widely read throughout the world of hydroelectric power generation, it specialises in presenting key engineering and commercial developments in an authoritative but accessible style.

From advanced power plant design to repair and maintenance case studies, IWP&DC is unrivalled as a platform for exploring cutting edge developments in the hydro power industry.


International Water Power & Dam Construction (IWP&DC) has established itself as the leading monthly international publication serving the needs of those involved in the dam construction and hydroelectricity industry.
The journal provides in-depth independent coverage of all aspects of the industry, including transmission and distribution technology.
IWP&DC is unrivalled as a platform for exploring cutting edge developments in the hydro power industry.

Supported by an independent circulation audit from ABC, the journal is an absolute must for anyone involved in the dynamic hydropower and dams industry. With a print circulation of over 4,000, the publication offers its readers and advertisers an unrivalled penetration into the marketplace.

It is also produced as a fully interactive digital issue which is sent by e-mail link to an additional audience of some 12,000 readers, thus opening up the potential reach for advertisers to an unprecedented international audience.

IWP&DC also has over 1,000 independent paying subscribers – far higher than any other competing journal for this sector – a clear indicator that IWP&DC is the publication that professionals turn to first for the information they need.


The journal is sent to a carefully targeted audience of utility executives and managers, private project owners, power plant managers, engineering and environmental consultants, financial experts and investment companies, independent power producers, government energy bodies, mechanical and electrical engineers and equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

Topics regularly covered include: construction, flood management, uprating and refurbishment, small hydro, operation and maintenance, licensing, project finance, turbines and generators, pumped storage technology, tunnelling and dam safety.

Dam and hydro plant yearbook

As well as the monthly journal, IWP&DC also publishes an annual yearbook. This unrivalled business resource features detailed statistical information on dams and hydro plants worldwide, information on recent equipment contracts, an in-depth project profile section, and the industry’s largest and most comprehensive buyers guide, listing all the information you may need on companies, products and services worldwide.

Website and e-waterpower weekly newsletter

In addition to these services, the IWP&DC editorial team also produces a free weekly email newsletter. Delivered direct to your inbox, e-waterpower includes breaking news, contract awards and tender information, details of new projects, and a diary of important events.

The accompanying website receives an average of over 20,000 unique visitors a month, presenting advertisers with a fantastic opportunity for communicating your message in the most interactive way possible.

The website also boasts an impressive archive of all features, news items and articles published in the journal since 1998, providing an invaluable resource of information which is available free of charge to all users.


  • Rogun Hydropower Plant

    The Rogun Hydropower Plant (HPP) is being constructed on the upper reaches of the Vakhsh River in the Pamir mountain ranges, Republic of Tajikistan.