
JR Gilbert Energy provides advisory services to help energy companies, including the power industry, to address issues and challenges by leveraging innovative technologies. We provide practical solutions for businesses that lead to improved performance, as well as the achieving of environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics.

Energy advisory services for the power industry’s future

JR Gilbert Energy provides support to companies looking for innovative energy solutions, often providing a unique solution or approach. We often recommend strategic partners that companies could consider to improve their chances of success and ability to compete in the power industry.

Thanks to extensive energy business experience, JR Gilbert Energy can focus on introducing and deploying innovative technologies from start-ups and smaller companies to improve business value.

Oil and gas are an important foundation to the transformation. Credit: Image licensed to JR Gilbert Energy from Dreamworks.
Fracking operations are another energy source.
Wind and solar are becoming increasing significant and reliable energy sources. Credit: Image licensed to JR Gilbert Energy from Dreamworks.
Carbonate core with secondary porosity.

Renewable and low carbon energy sources, battery storage, unconventional resources, and emissions reduction are all within our scope, along with traditional oil and natural gas. We are also able to assess and support innovative solutions.

Innovative technology for the power industry

We are at a critical junction in conventional and unconventional energy resource development as well as the best management of more traditional energy sources.

Significant improvements are being made involving hydrocarbon recovery that will benefit the power industry through the application of new technologies, while advancements in the renewables and energy storage sectors can reduce emissions. Improvements need to be tested and implemented to ensure continual progress. The timely application of innovative technologies to all energy sources is vital to support transportation, manufacturing, and national electrical grids.

Going forward, we expect energy solutions to include some combination of oil and natural gas, renewable and low carbon energy sources, and battery storage, all contributing to reduced carbon emissions for future generations.

Innovation in ESG metrics

The right solution at the right time is invaluable. We measure the success of our advisory services and innovative technology implementations by the value we create. We look at the positive changes in performance and recovery, improvements in safety, reductions in cost and a company’s carbon footprint.

ESG metrics include environmental protection and sustainability, social protection of human and animal rights with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion, and governance that ensures the importance of these aims are recognised and supported.

Partnerships for green energy solutions

Some of the projects that JR Gilbert Energy has been involved with include the development of unconventional resource plays, easy-to-apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to make improved business decisions, and cost-effective multilateral well solutions for oil and gas, geothermal and CO₂ sequestration operations. For example, a design improvement in the junctions used in multilateral wells significantly reduces capital expenditures, surface footprints, and Scope-1 and 2 carbon emissions.

We have also been involved with scalable green technologies for wastewater treatment that can be powered by solar and combined with lithium and valuable mineral extraction. Another startup company has a more efficient and operation friendly way of producing biodiesel with reduced Opex. We are also in the early planning stages of creating a prototype for a simple new wave energy to electricity converter design, which would have the potential to compete favourably with solar and wind power.

About JR Gilbert Energy

Rusty Gilbert founded JR Gilbert Energy after 40 years with Chevron and Chevron Technology Ventures, during which time he successfully led the implementation and use of externally developed new technologies in their upstream, midstream and downstream businesses, including power. The aim of JR Gilbert Energy is to achieve energy success in the United States and around the world, through successful implementation of innovative technologies for the energy sector.