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Biomass Gasification Systems for the Power Industry

REPOTEC provides power plant engineering and construction services, including the assembly of biomass gasification facilities for the energy generation industry.

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repotec bio-energy projectsREPOTEC provides power plant engineering and construction services, including the assembly of biomass gasification facilities for the energy generation industry.

The company supplies eco-friendly, carbon-neutral biomass power plants (combined heat and power), which enables customers to supply reliable electricity and heat to small cities.

Biomass gasification technology for renewable energy production

Energy from biomass plants has received growing interest in the last few years due to limited fossil fuels and the growing need for renewable resources.

REPOTEC reached a breakthrough in biomass gasification technology in 2001 with the construction of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Gussing, Austria.

REPOTEC constructed and installed a biomass gasification combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Gussing, Austria.
The company built a highly efficient wood gasification plant in Senden, Germany.
The Bio-SNG project was a European research project carried out by REPOTEC, which involved synthetic natural gas production.
The efficient GoBiGas plant in Gothenburg, Sweden, produces 20MW of bio-SNG from 32MW of forest residues.
France launched the GAYA research programme to develop state-of-the-art bio-SNG solutions.
REPOTEC established the Fischer-Tropsch plant for the production of second-generation biofuels.
The company provided engineering and commissioning support for a power plant in Wajima, Japan.

The unique gasification process proves its flexibility and reliability for a broad range of power and heat generation applications.

A research centre has since been established to develop gasification technology and alternatives to natural gas. Synthetic natural gas (SNG) is a renewable process that was successfully demonstrated on a 1MW scale in 2009, and used in a large commercial project (GoBiGas) in 2013.

Second-generation biofuel production

REPOTEC, Volkswagen, Daimler, and Volvo worked together to produce liquid fuels for the automotive sector using the Fischer-Tropsch chemical reaction process, which involves the production of second-generation biofuels.

REPOTEC’s technology specialists have also produced mixed alcohols and hydrogen from woody biomass.

Dual fluidised-bed gasification technology

The dual fluidised-bed steam gasification process consists of two connected systems.

The biomass is converted into gas at approximately 850°C, using steam as a gasification agent as opposed to air. Steam produces a nitrogen-free product gas with low tar content and high heating value.

Any remaining charcoal is partly fed into the combustion zone with the circulating bed material, which serves as a heat carrier and is burned.

The exothermic reaction in the combustion zone provides energy for the endothermic gasification process using steam.

Highly efficient biomass combined heat and power plants

REPOTEC constructed a wood gasification plant in Senden, Germany, generating 5MW of renewable electricity and 6.4MW of district heat from 14MW of woody biomass. The plant reaches an electric efficiency of 35% and a total efficiency of more than 80%.

High capability is achieved with a combined cycle process, where two gas engines produce electricity from wood-gas. An organic rankine cycle (ORC) generates additional electricity through the dissipated heat of the gasification process.

From the Bio-SNG project to the GoBiGas Plant

REPOTEC’s dual fluidised-bed gasification process produces suitable energy properties such as hydrogen (40%) and methane (10%). Nitrogen is absent from the gas, making it extremely suitable for synthetic natural gas (SNG) production.

The company established the GoBiGas plant in Gothenburg, Sweden, to produce 20MW of bio-SNG from 32MW of forest residues, demonstrating unique conversion efficiency.

Using the existing natural gas grid for the distribution of bio-SNG makes it a favourable carrier of renewable energy, as it has an achievable efficiency of 65%.

France has launched the GAYA research programme, which has involved REPOTEC’s production of the biomass gasification platform under the leadership of ENGIE.


REPOTEC’s highly qualified engineers have been working on the development of biomass-to-energy systems for several years. The company has handled projects in Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Korea, and Japan.

REPOTEC carried out the Bio-SNG European research project, which involved the production of synthetic natural gas.

REPOTEC offers conceptual studies, complete energy system engineering, and turnkey manufacturing of small plants.

If you are interested in further information about our services or you need bioenergy project assistance, please fill in the enquiry form on this page.

White Papers

  • The First Methanation Tests

    The first test of the methanation was completed successfully in Gussing in cooperation with the Swiss Paul Scherer Institute.

Aichernig Engineering GmbH
Nordbahnstraße 36/3/2.5

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