
Traditional plant building is time-consuming and costly because work in a site is often time-consuming and expensive due to difficult working conditions. Efirec has developed modularity for a long time, and most of our power plants have been implemented using this method of implementation. By utilising this method, our customers enjoy the state-of-the-art energy production technology combined with a cost-effective implementation. At its best, the introduction of the plant has been only a few days, since modularity allows this.

This is not just a modular element, but we have brought modular thinking already at the design stage. Based on our experience, we know that by doing so, the whole chain benefits and the process enables, for example, intelligent solutions in traditional heat production.

Our heat production units are completed before the delivery to the site. The modules have already been connected to the various parts of the machine shop, such as piping, electrification and automation. The biggest benefit of this solution is when work on site is significantly reduced and time is saved. Our retrofit technology of casting also enables power plant installations during wintertime, so our customers can quickly start using cost-efficient local energy.

Modularity as a starting point for planning

In the traditional designing, the core technology of the plant is first designed and then asked to design a suitable surrounding building. For us, modularity is already the foundation of design, and thus one of the work steps is eliminated and costs fall when the object does not have to design the building separately. The advantage of these modules is also the potential mass production that contributes to lowering costs. Modules can be freely transported by road and our experienced installers can quickly and efficiently manage the installation using the plug and play method.