UK-based energy investment firm Renewable Power Capital (RPC) has partnered with Polish renewable energy company Tundra Advisory to build 1GW of onshore wind capacity in Poland.

The capacity is equivalent to the consumption of more than one million households in the country.

RPC and Tundra have already identified more than 500MW worth of potential sites.

The partnership is expected to create a decarbonisation impact and support Poland’s long-term energy resources.

Its completion is subject to approval from the relevant regulatory bodies.

Owned by Taiga Mistral, Tundra has been in the renewable power business for more than ten years and has worked on some of Poland’s largest clean energy projects.

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Tundra and Taiga CEO Jaime Blas said: “We are pleased to enter into a strong strategic partnership with an international and reputable investor such as RPC.

“The joint venture will maximise the capabilities of both parties, enabling us to achieve our ambition to become a leading developer of wind energy in Poland.”

The deal with Tundra is RPC’s first in Central and Eastern Europe and adds to its wind portfolio in Finland and Sweden.

The company also has a 3GW pipeline in Spain and a 1GW battery storage venture in the UK.

RPC chief commercial and technical officer Mariano Berges said: “The European energy market is undergoing significant changes and renewables will play an increasingly important role.

“Renewable Power Capital aims to be part of the solution. Poland has the potential to be one of Europe’s largest onshore wind markets, and we are pleased to be working with the very experienced team at Tundra to unlock this.”

Based in London, RPC invests in the development, construction and long-term ownership of solar, onshore wind and battery storage assets.

In June last year, the company agreed to acquire four ready-to-build onshore wind projects with 528MW of combined capacity in Sweden.