Power Technology Excellence Awards 2024: vHive
vHive's Co-Founders: Yariv Geller and Tomer Daniel The power industry is witnessing a significant shift towards renewable energy, necessitating innovative solutions…
vHive's Co-Founders: Yariv Geller and Tomer Daniel The power industry is witnessing a significant shift towards renewable energy, necessitating innovative solutions…
The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) wins the Excellence Award for Research and Development this year as it launched a…
Nexans wins the Excellence Award for Product Launches this year as it launched a new range of low-carbon grid cables.…
Iberdrola wins the Excellence Award for Investments this year as it invested $5.8bn in Brazil’s energy transition. Focus will fall…
The US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory wins the Excellence Award for Innovation this year as it developed a…
NeuConnect wins the Excellence Award for Financing this year as it secured financing for a new interconnector between the UK…
Carbon Kapture wins the Excellence Award for Environmental this year as it launched a process to convert ocean carbon to…
The power industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity is driven by increasing energy demand and need…
The power industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity is driven by the rising demand for electricity,…
The power industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation, with activity driven by the need for greater renewable power…