For several years Belman has designed and manufactured one-step compensators, earning the company a wealth of experience within this field

But why use this kind of compensator?

The one-step compensator is typically installed in the pipeline while it is cold. When the pipeline is commissioned and heated (the first heat-up) the pipeline will move. The one-step compensator absorbs this movement. After the pipeline is commissioned it will not move further, in which case the compensator would not have to absorb further movements. Because of this the compensator has been given the name; one-step compensator.

The one-step compensator is an ordinary compensator with an ordinary bellow. The two external casings around the bellow are placed so that one casing lap over the other casing cf. the drawing. They are placed like this because the casings are welded together once the compensator has absorbed the movement occurred from the commissioning. The compensator function as an ordinary pipe and therefore the one-step compensator must be fixed. Furthermore there are no maintenance of the compensator beyond the maintenance which are carried out on the pipeline.

The one-step compensators are supplied pre-stressed to absorb a given negative axial movement and they are prepared for pre-insulated pipes.

One-step compensators are often used in district heating systems and in district heating pipelines. This kind of compensator is used in both subsurface pipelines and above ground level pipelines.

We are pleased to provide you more information on one-step compensators – please do not hesitate to contact us.