
Looking back on a long tradition, Mannheim-based MWM is one of the world’s leading providers of decentralised energy generation plants. The various genset series are designed for operation with natural gas or special gas types like sewage gas, biogas, and landfill gas. The company considers the ongoing development and optimisation of the individual engine series as an important contribution to increased efficiency and conservation of resources.

At Genera 2011, one of Spain’s leading energy and environment trade shows, MWM presented an optimised version of the TCG 2016 series whose efficiency has been increased especially for biogas. The TCG 2016 C genset continues to be available in the V8, V12, and V16 variants. Systematic optimisations of the ignition and control system TEM (Total Electronic Management) ensure more even load balancing over all cylinders. The anti-knock control has been further improved, and a new cylinder balancing concept has been introduced. A package including optimised butterfly valve construction, a new actuator for the gas mixer, and the nano-paint-coated mixture cooler make the genset even more durable and less susceptible to external influences.

Thanks to these efficiency-boosting measures, the new gensets reach a maximum efficiency of 42.8% (65% CH4 / 35% CO2) or 41.7% (50% CH4 / 50% CO2) with biogas.