
Cathodic protection companies and services for pipelines, tanks, offshore platforms, and underground metal structures: Introduction 

In the globally important sector of industrial maintenance, the integrity of pipelines, tanks, offshore platforms, and underground metal structures is critical.  

Cathodic protection companies play a vital role in safeguarding these assets from the insidious effects of corrosion.  

As a procurement specialist or maintenance manager, understanding the nuances of cathodic protection services is essential for the longevity and safety of your infrastructure. 

Our expert buyer’s guide contains valuable industry insights and information that will benefit those looking to select cathodic protection companies and services.

Related Buyer’s Guides, which cover an extensive range of power plant equipment manufacturers, service providers and suppliers, can also be found here.  

Key considerations: Selecting cathodic protection services 

When evaluating cathodic protection services, discerning clients and buyers should be looking for companies that demonstrate a robust track record of successful installations and maintenance.  

A cathodic protection company must not only possess the technical acumen, but also be able to demonstrate a profound understanding of industry-specific regulations and environmental considerations. 

Industry expertise and experience 

A company’s history of delivering cathodic protection solutions across various industries is a testament to its capability to handle complex projects. 

Customised Solutions 

Each structure has unique requirements, and naturally, that means a one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate.  

The ideal cathodic protection services companies should offer tailored solutions that align with your requirements. 

Full Compliance and Professional Certification 

Accreditation from recognised bodies ensures that the company adheres to the highest standards of quality and safety. 

After-Sales Support 

Long-term maintenance and monitoring are crucial for the effectiveness of cathodic protection systems.  

Companies that provide comprehensive after-sales support are highly sought after and buyers should identify these as a priority.  

Industry-leading systems and solutions in cathodic protection 

With a marketplace crowded with providers, finding the right cathodic protection company can be complex and time-consuming.  

Some of the current leading solutions offered by cathodic protection companies include, but are not limited to: 

  • Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) Systems 
  • Galvanic Anodes 
  • Pipeline Integrity Management 
  • Remote Monitoring and Control Systems 
  • Corrosion Risk Assessment Services 
  • Protective Coatings and Linings 
  • AC Mitigation Solutions 
  • Stray Current Analysis 
  • Soil Resistivity Testing and Analysis 
  • Marine Growth Prevention Systems 
  • Internal Cathodic Protection for Tanks and Vessels 
  • Retrofitting and Upgrading Existing Systems 
  • Custom Anode Fabrication 
  • Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Structures 
  • Training and Consultancy Services 

Latest technological advancements in cathodic protection 

Some of the latest technological advancements in cathodic protection are now revolutionising the power industry.

Some of the more recent and relevant advancements include, but are not limited to:  

  • Use of smart anodes capable of real-time monitoring and data analytics. These are enhancing the precision of corrosion prevention strategies.  
  • Inclusion of advanced materials and manufacturing techniques. These are producing more efficient and long-lasting anode systems.  
  • Increased integration of IoT devices is enabling remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, thereby reducing downtime and operational costs. 

Cathodic protection companies and services: Our conclusion 

In conclusion, selecting a cathodic protection company is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of the company’s expertise.  

Key factors include customisation capabilities, compliance with standards, and the provision of ongoing support.  

With the right partner, you can ensure the longevity and safety of your critical infrastructure.