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GET Compliance


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Training and Assessment for Electrical Operations Personnel

GET Compliance is a leading provider of training courses and assessments for those who work in the power generation and electrical industries. The company also offers auditing and consultancy services to assist you in the safe and efficient completion of your electrical operations.

137 Behrens Road,
Queensland 4510,
Fax Number

GET Compliance is a leading provider of training courses and assessments for those who work in the power generation and electrical industries. The company also offers auditing and consultancy services to assist you in the safe and efficient completion of your electrical operations.

Statutory and rescue training and assessment

GET Compliance offers a range of statutory and rescue training and assessment services, including:

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: CPR training and assessments performed according to the requirements of the Australian Resuscitation Council
  • Low-voltage rescue: for electrical workers performing work on or near live exposed electrical apparatus
  • Pole top rescue: for safety observers nominated to act as pole top rescuers
  • Steel tower rescue: for personnel engaged in activities on steel tower constructions
  • Elevated work platform (EWP) rescue: for personnel required to act as rescuers for persons operating an EWP

Low-voltage electrical operations training

GET Compliance provides training in the field of low-voltage electrical operations. This includes AS/NZS 3000:2007 training, which enables you to stay up-to-date with AS/NZS 3000:2007 – Electrical Installations (aka Australian / New Zealand Wiring Rules).

GET Compliance’s ENERGEX M31 – Overhead Awareness for Non-Electrical Workers training is a requirement for workers performing activities in the vicinity of ENERGEX owned assets, such as operating cranes and plants near overhead power lines.

GET Compliance offers a range of statutory and rescue training and assessment services, including low-voltage rescue.
GET Compliance provides training in the field of low-voltage electrical operations.
GET Compliance's high-voltage electrical operations training courses include high-voltage switching, isolation and access training.
GET Compliance can provide auditing services for your high-voltage network operations.
In addition to providing training and assessments, GET Compliance can provide consultancy services.

GET Compliance also offers polarity testing training and assessment for personnel who will be performing polarity on low-voltage installations.

High-voltage electrical operations training

GET Compliance offers a variety of high-voltage electrical operations training courses, including high-voltage switching, isolation and access training.

The high-voltage safety and awareness training course provides generic awareness and safety information for those who work the vicinity of high-voltage apparatus. Aspects considered include: electricity and the human body, HV safety awareness and legislation, and working around high voltage.

For attendees who have completed the high-voltage safety and awareness training course, the next step is the high-voltage distribution networks course, which provides generic awareness and safety information on typical high-voltage distribution network apparatus and configurations.

The next step in this series of courses is the HV distribution access manual training, which examines the procedures regarding the roles and responsibilities typically associated with the access of high-voltage apparatus.

Auditing services for high-voltage operations

GET Compliance can provide auditing services for your high-voltage network operations to help you monitor adherence to relevant legislation, and consistency with industry best practice. Our auditing services include three levels of high-voltage operational audits:

  • HV operational audit – self assessment: a simple audit that you perform yourself, to help you determine if your team has the necessary documentation, procedures and competencies
  • Level 1 HV operational audit: an audit performed by GET Compliance personnel that examines your team’s procedures, authorisations and previously completed switching-related documents
  • Level 2 HV operational audit: a Level 1 audit plus the auditing of your team performing real-time switching on your network. This audit is also performed by GET Compliance personnel and examines your team’s operational behaviour and competencies in addition to Level 1 audit items

Consultancy services for high-voltage operations

In addition to providing training and assessments, GET Compliance can provide consultancy services to help you manage your high-voltage operations effectively, efficiently and safely. Our consultancy services include:

  • The development of switching sheets and associated forms for the purposes of network access
  • The development of training and assessment tools
  • On-site consultation of switching operations
  • Providing procedural manuals and associated forms that, when complemented with relevant training, provide your team with total network operating solutions

White Papers

  • GET Compliance Newsletter October 2015

    Welcome to our monthly newsletter for October. Over the last two months we have focused on risk assessment and being proactive about safety in your work place.

  • GET Compliance Newsletter September 2015

    Once again welcome to our monthly news letter where your safety is our focus. Last month in my message to you I spoke of basic risk management and the importance of consultation with your workforce. Why is consultation so important?

Press Releases

137 Behrens Road
Queensland 4510

Fax Number